Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am not going to lie at first I didn't like RSS until I learned how it can help me. I figured out how to make is so I am sent information when someone writes about something I am interested in. Instead of me searching for the information it is sent to me. What a wonderful world we live in.

Web 2.0

The very first thing I had to do was find out what Web 2.0 was. Then the second thing I did was check out what some of the sites were. Something I found helpful for me was Lulu, I recently got an Ipad so now I can go on Lulu and buy ebooks. Dr. Sailor thank you for giving us a link to the seomoz awards, now I know a good place to purchase ebooks.

Friday, January 21, 2011

What a Different World

In one of the articles it was talking about all the different types of social media that are available. So, I did my own research with a number of my students. I was amazed that they all use some source of social media in their lives. This made me realize I need to catch up on what is available and how to use it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I am 28 years old and realizing I am falling behind in the world of technological gizmo's. It has been a slow and  frustrating process trying to catching up.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ipads in Physical Education

Our school recently received a PEP grant. Through this grant our school purchased a number of Ipads. As a physical education teacher I was trying to figure out how I can use the Ipad to help me in the classroom. I am still using trial and error phase, but what I have been doing is down loading apps on the Ipad and hooking the Ipad up to a projector. The kids seem to love it because they get to try a variety of different activities.